
The first ten volumes of the series Linguistic and Literary Studies between Italy and the Iberian World in the Modern Age. Florence, 10 December 2024

Firenze, sala 115/116 del Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia

The presentation of the first ten volumes of the series Linguistic and Literary Studies between…


An interview with Salomé Vuelta – El teatro clásico español en Italia ( siglos XVII – XVIII )

In the scientific radio programme ‘Investigadores por el Mundo’ on Radio Libertad, number 264, presented…


Matteo Rei (University of Turin), Metamorfosi del ritratto, 15th of november, h. 16.30

Seminario online - Google Meet

On 15 November 2024, Prof. Matteo Rei of the University of Turin will hold a…


Presentation of Landucci’s Dizionario spagnolo-italiano (1562). Florence, 23rd of june, 4 pm

Biblioteca Umanistica, Sala Linguistica, Piazza Brunelleschi 4 - Firenze

The Circolo Linguistico Fiorentino and the ITIBER research centre have organised the presentation of the…


Translating medieval texts. Challenges between Italian and Portuguese. Pisa, 25 May 2023


On the occasion of the publication of the Italian translation of the Leal Conselheiro (s.…


De la periferia al centro: imprenta y literatura española en los siglos XVI y XVII, Trento, march 24th 2023


On March 24 2023 the University of Trento is hosting the international seminar" De la…
